Douglas Spittel

Name: Douglas Spittel

Title: Reverend

Organization: Redeemer Lutheran Church and School

Area of Employment: other

How I heard about Universal Service: Pennsylvania: announcement on mailing list

My experience in this area:

I am a pastor of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod which maintains the largest Protestant parochial school system in the United States. I am the father of 4 children, two in elementary school. I hold various degrees and am currently working on a PhD at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh. I am proficient in the use of computers and am a part-time instructor at MicroPower Systems, Inc., New Kensington, PA.

What I hope to learn:

I hope to learn about the Universal Service discount program. I also hope to understand the objectives and purpose of this program in relation to students in the Commonwealth.

Additional comments:

[No information provided.]