Analysis of Survey: Pre-Conference Activities

Date: May 15 - 11:39 AM
Number of Respondents: 45

Conference information. Have you received enough information about the conference to have a clear idea of what to expect at the meeting?
(4, 9.090%) No, but I plan to scan the Web site later this week
(33, 75%) Yes
(7, 15.90%) No

Components. Which of the conference components do you regard as most likely to be of value?
(13, 28.88%) Online discussions
(24, 53.33%) Site visits
(33, 73.33%) Breakout sessions
(15, 33.33%) Summary session
(23, 51.11%) Dinners and informal interactions

Participation in online discussions. How have you been following the online discussions?
(1, 2.222%) Via the conference Web site
(17, 37.77%) Via e-mail and the conference Web site
(11, 24.44%) Have not had time to participate adequately
(16, 35.55%) Via e-mail

Follow-up. What follow-up should there be after the formal conference sessions?
(2, 4.651%) Prepare printed proceedings
(23, 53.48%) Maintain a Web site with material presented
(12, 27.90%) Create a single discussion group for follow-up
(6, 13.95%) Continue the online discussions in the current format

Balancing Research and Practice