Re: Where should we start?

Suzanne Alejandre (
Mon, 17 Mar 1997 20:23:51 -0800


I am Suzanne Alejandre, a teacher at Frisbie Middle School
[ ]
in Rialto, California. I have been both a mathematics teacher
and a computer teacher. In fact, the last four years I was only
a computer teacher but this year I am teaching one 8th grade
general math class in my classroom, a computer lab. Next year I
hope to teach more mathematics but it will depend on scheduling.

>Nonetheless, one of the big questions still appears to be what are the
>benefits brought by this technology to the classroom that are unique and

My first reaction to Steve's question was to ask myself, "Why do I write
Web Units for the Math Forum?"  [ ]
I write them to share ideas. The Forum not only serves teachers in their
classrooms but serves teachers in planning for their classrooms. Most
schools in my area do not have Internet access at their sites let alone
in their individual classrooms....but...many teachers have Internet
access at home. Whenever I present to audiences about the Math Forum
I take into account the possible uses of the site depending on the
resources the teacher has available. I have found that teachers who
only have access at home find the Math Forum just as valuable as the
teacher who has access at school in their classroom.

>Perhaps, at least from our perspective, the question should be reframed as
>what opportunities does this technology open up?

On one level the Web provides an environment where a teacher can view
the lessons shared and then they can print out every thing they will need.
I always attempt to provide pages that could be printed as handouts and/or
overhead transparencies.
 [example:  ]

Also, I think it is very helpful to provide examples of lessons with
software integrated into the lesson. So often teachers have thought of
technology as an add-on or enrichment or a way to have a student occupied
either because they were too far ahead or too far behind. Lessons with
technology incorporated as a tool to present the curriculum can be given
on the Web including links to download the software.
[example: ]

Once more classrooms actually have Web access I think using lessons that
actually incorporate student use of the Web will become more useful. I think
of this format to include pages such as interactive stories
[example: ]
or links prepared to go with the lessons being presented:
[example: ]

>Access and competence with the technology continues to be a major hurdle to
>actually working effectively with teachers on use of Internet math

Maybe competence will improve by the time access is a reality.
