Muddying the waters

Chris Hasegawa (
1 Apr 1997 18:08:34 U

                      Subject:                              Time:  6:04 =
  OFFICE MEMO         Muddying the waters                   Date:  4/1/97

This is probably too late and we'll need to have this conversation in =
person, but I did want to comment on Laurie's question about the focus =
being on process or product.  This really struck a chord with me.  I'm =
having trouble seeing this question as a clear dichotomy.  In our =
project, the "intended" product will be a prototype website that allows =
investigation of a database (of video clips of the Monterey Undersea =
Canyon), but by far the most interesting work that I am doing has less to =
do with the product and more to do with how we are getting the work done, =
or what I guess you would call the "process".  I put the latter term in =
quotes because, as with all the other projects I have worked with, the =
"evaluation" of the "process", has taken new directions from the original =
vision, and these change processes will be ultimately, I think, the most =
valuable "products" that we can disseminate.  That is not to say that the =
prototype won't be valuable in and ofitself, it will be.  And I'm doing =
that evaluation as well!  But the building, and re-building, of this =
collaboration is the really interesting piece right now and the sharing =
of my findings with the participants on an on-going basis has led to some =
fascinating, and useful conversations.  It's not project evaluation as I =
was trained in my doctoral stories?  But it sure will be useful to me and =
others who intend this type of collaborative process in the future.  So =
maybe the process is the product?!?