Pittsburgh the Powerful

photo of Painters Mills circa 1900.


* Thumbnails: 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.


* "Some Pittsburgh Steel Workers." 1909.
"The visitor in a steel mill sees only faces reddened by the glare of fire and hot steel, muscles standing out in knots and bands on bare arms, clothing frayed with usage and begrimed by machinery."
* "The Pittsburgh Owl." 1925.
"If you gaze down upon it from one of the highest peaks, it looks like a grand collection of mechanical toys--like the playthings you might see under a little millionaire boy's Christmas tree. Miles and miles of toy freight-trains, thousands of miniature automobiles running along the suspension bridges like little cashboxes on a wire, toy steamboats, meccano-bridges and towers, every sort of contrivance that can make a loud noise, or run very fast, or flash a bright light, or go puff-puff. Every city has some of these, but Pittsburgh has them all."
* "The Negroes of Pittsburgh." 1909.
"Twenty per cent of the men follow manufacturing and mechanical pursuits. Because of the abundance of work good Negro mechanics have no difficulty in keeping busy, though they have made little headway in the unions. An occasional Negro is a union member, as, for instance, four or five carpenters, a few stone-masons and a few plasterers. Here, as elsewhere, they gain admission easily only to the hardest kinds of work."


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