Downtown: The Clickable Mystery



The Mystery, is published every Wednesday morning, by The Publishing Committee, J. Peck, Thomas Norris, J. N. Templeton, Peter Blackson Terms--One dollar and fifty cents a yea payable invariably in advance. Rates of Advertising. Advertisements will also be inserted at the following rates par square of twelve lines--

                       One insertion   00 25     / Two months   00
                       Two    do       00 37 1/2 / Three  do    50
                       Three  do       00 50     / Six    do  2 00
                       Five   do       00 75     / Twelve do  3 00

Copies of 'The Mystery" can be obtained of news boys every Wednesday morning, also at thc counter of Mr. Isaac Harris, Intelligence Office, Fifth street, and of M. R. Delany. No. 40, Hand street, between Penn and Liberty streets.

All letters or communications pertaining ao the editorial department must be post paid tddressed to the Editor, those on business to Chairman of the "Publishing Committee."


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