"Yinz Know
Yinzes from Picksburgh an' 'at

  1. Yinzes uncle tells a story about the time all the rivers froze and he and his friends walked from the South Side to the North Side on the ice.
  2. Yinz remember the glory days of Pitt football.
  3. Yinz consider all of South Oakland an architectural landmark.
  4. Yinz slam on the brakes at the sight of a tunnel.
  5. Four of yinzes immediate relatives work for the city or the county.
  6. Yinz cried when Mario retired (or when yinz see a replay of the "Immaculate Reception").
  7. Yinz can taste the difference between different batches of Iron City.
  8. Yinz think the Steigerwalds are a dynasty.
  9. Yinz can tell at least two versions of the "Why Danny Marino wasn't drafted by 'em Stillers" story.
  10. Yinz think "alternative lifestyles" means those who have money and live in Fox Chapel.
  11. Yinz consider a trip to Monroeville Mall a good Saturday night out.
  12. Yinz think Mount Washington is really high.
  13. Yinz live on the South Side and wonder what life would be like on the North Side.
  14. A special night out includes Eat 'N Park.
  15. Yinz can't eat a sandwich without cole slaw and fries in the middle.
  16. Yinz finish all yinzes sentences with the words an' 'at.
  17. Yinz take fancy vacations in Seven Springs.
  18. Yinz think Donnie Iris (and the Clarks) are the Second Coming.
  19. "Stan, Guy, love the show" means something special to yinz.
  20. Yinz live vicariously through WDVE and wonder why Jimmy Krenn was never on Saturday Night Live.
  21. Myron Cope does not sound like a lunatic on drugs to yinz.
  22. Yinz have been to an Isaly's Ice Cream shop.
  23. Yinzes cousins who went to WVU are considered the traitors of the family.
  24. Yinzes favorite candy at Halloween was a Clark bar.
  25. Yinz remember "Chiller Theater with Chilly Billy Cardille" and cheer when yinz see him in Night of the Living Dead.
  26. Yinz put ketchup on everything.
  27. Yinz love gravy on yinzes fries.
  28. Yinz worsh yinzes clothes.
  29. When yinz see a Speedy Gonzalez cartoon or hear Arriba!, yinz think of baseball.

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