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Manchester-related WWW Links

* 20 MacArthur Fellowships to 21 Fellows Announced by MacArthur Foundation Today.

William Strickland, Manchester Craftsmen's Guild, 18 June 1996.

* Ford Foundation Annual Report 1995.

Books and reports published in 1995, directly or indirectly under Ford Foundation grants:
Bowles, Elinor. Community Development and the Arts. Pittsburgh: Manchester Craftsman's Guild, 1995.

* Ford Foundation Spring Report 1996.

"'The arts can nourish the spiritual and creative energies that enable individuals to regenerate themselves. They can bridge differences of age, gender, income, and ethnicity. They can help people construct a personal sense of time and place, a positive identity, and a sense of community.' Few institutions tap this potential as well as Manchester Craftsmen's Guild."

* Historic Districts.

Background on "Historic Districts" in the United States with examples, including Manchester. "Historic Preservation Home Page" at Eastern Michigan University.

* Manchester Citizens Corporation.

"The Manchester Citizens Corporation, one of the oldest CDCs in the city, was formed to help the Urban Redevelopment Authority salvage the deteriorating neighborhood."

* Manchester Craftsmen's Guild.

"Vision Statement: Through arts, education, culture and enterprise we strive to create environments of hope, caring, professionalism, opportunity and excellence that enable people to realize a better quality of life for themselves and their communities."

* National Endowment for the Arts' Support of Manchester Craftsmen's Guild.

Reference made in the Testimony of Jane Alexander, Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts before Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Youth and Families Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations United States House of Representatives. 1997.

* Pittsburgh's Manchester: From the Brink to Beautiful.

By Mandy Rosina Sirofchuck for the Tribune-Review.
History, architecture, housing. Article promoted a "house tour sponsored by Historic Manchester, Manchester Citizens Corporation, and Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation."

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