Welcome to Sustainable Silicon Valley
Phase II

February 11-28, 2002

Individuals Who Live Or Work In Silicon Valley Are Invited To Participate!

Welcome to the Sustainable Silicon Valley Project, a collaborative initiative to identify and address environmental and resource pressures in the Valley. Through Sustainble Silicon Valley we hope to create a framework within which all institutions in the Valley can work in concert toward protection, enhancement and restoration of the environment and toward the efficient use of resources. This Web site will be available for you to review the pressures we have identified, and comment on their importance to a sustainable Silicon Valley between Monday, February 11th and Thursday, February 28th.

Welcome | About SSV | Pressures

Phase II participants will rank environmental and resource pressures according to significance of their impact. The Sustainable Silicon Valley project team will use this information in selecting a small number of pressures for further study. Ranking the pressures will take approximately 15 minutes. At the project's conclusion the collective results of participants' rankings will be posted on this Web site.

The Sustainable Silicon Valley Web site was developed by Information Renaissance