Involvement in Delegated Programs
- Archived: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 10:26:00 -0400 (EDT)
- Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 09:41:08 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Mary Hamel <>
- Subject: Involvement in Delegated Programs
- X-topic: States/Tribes/Municipalities
In the intro to today's discussion, EPA states:
"States, tribes and local governments jointly administer many environmental programs with EPA. THe agency's draft public involvement polisy applies only to EPA; it does not apply to the public involvement processes of states, tribes and local governments. Recognizing that resources constraints exist at all levels of government, please recommend ways EPA can encourage and promote effective public involvement in these delegated programs."
I believe communication and outreach programs often do not get the same consideration in planning and budgeting as the more "technical" processes and activities. If EPA wants to encourage more public involvement at state, tribal, and local level, it could earmark funds and grant requirements for those activities with some general goals and guidelines.
In my first job here, I worked on the old small quantity generator hazardous waste program. A separate EPA grant funded technical assistance and education programs for small quantity generators who were often small businesses with few resources. This allowed us to isolate those funds for that outreach effort, an effort I believe was very successful. Without that separate pot of money and affiliated accountability, that activity would have been lost among all the other demands of our state's delegated hazardous waste program.